I've asked Congress to provide our military an increase of $39 billion over the original 2001 appropriations.
It was authorized by the legislature in 1833 and completed in October 1836 at a total cost of $2,500,000- approximately twice the original appropriation.
The building was completed for approximately $500,000, which was significantly less than the original appropriation, and city residents and officials gathered for a dedication ceremony on October 15, 1933.
The expense of constructing foundation for the two lights exhausted the original appropriation and delayed completion until 1875; in the intervening two years lightships were used instead.
The original appropriation was to construct a pair of range lights, for reasons that remain obscure.
In any case, construction was abandoned, and $79,000 of the original appropriation was diverted to the construction of a lightship to replace the failed tower.
Of the original appropriation of $688,888.82, only about $24,000 remained.
This included the original appropriation for the Wilkes expedition.
Of the 139 paintings and sculptures purchased with the original appropriation of funds, 123 were European.
However, the oldest available fiscal year appropriations are used if a valid expenditure is submitted after the original appropriation has been returned to the U.S. Treasury.