It was by this time not quite clear exactly which lands in the Company's possession related to the original bequest.
In December 1988, 75 years after Albert Fairchild Holden's original bequest, the Holden Trust began to benefit the arboretum as he and so many others had envisioned.
Furious, the directors of ULY began claiming sole title to the estate, based on a strict reading of Weinstock's original bequest.
One such philanthropist was Edwin Irving Johnson, whose original bequest now constitutes one of the largest funds managed by the Westchester Community Foundation, amounting to $434,107.
The school first accepted fee-paying pupils, to supplement Lord Wandsworth's original bequest, soon after World War II.
This original bequest has now evolved into Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology.
Tschudi also had a great appreciation for the German Romantics, many of whose paintings were included in Wagener's original bequest.
The original bequest to the trust formed the basis of the largest collection of Sir Alfred's works to be found worldwide.
The trust has purchased further paintings by Munnings since the original bequest.
After the Academy closed, the Adams Temple and School Fund sought other uses for the building that were in keeping with John Adams' original bequest.