Post-1991 direct loans or loan guarantees will remain with their original cohort throughout the life of the loan, even if the loan is modified.
Fifty-year participants like the Princes, among the first bunch of 5,209 people, are known as the original cohort.
In 1971, the study, which had originally been planned to last only 20 years, expanded to include more than 5,000 of the original cohort's children.
Figure 1 shows the relation between renal state before transplantation in the original cohort of 33 patients described in the 1988 report and long term (5-7 year) survival.
The school was one of the first in the nation to admit both men and women, and two women were among the original cohort.
At some point there will be few or no remaining trees of the original cohort.
He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1903 (one of the original cohort).
And finally, as the original cohort continued to age, it became less able to support studies of risk behaviors, sexually transmitted diseases, and reproductive function.
Nevertheless, the study has quite consistently obtained data from between 50% - 65% of the original cohort of 3,273.
They formed into the original three cohorts, not near filling the space they would have crowded two weeks before.