A link between C86 and unifying genre is commonly disputed by critics and the bands actually on the original compilation.
Perhaps the original compilation of popular playing card games was collected by Edmund Hoyle, a self-made authority on many popular parlor games.
The original compilation was Metal For Muthas, released in February 1980.
The team have produced dozens of music videos, covering contemporary hits and original compilations.
Since the oldest extant editions of 1489 and 1491 CE are from the Entoku era, that may approximate the time of original compilation.
The compilation was re-edited in 1998 with the 13th original track, "El Aparecido", omitted from the original compilation.
This contains a reference to the "present", indicating perhaps that the original compilation was made in that year.
The music found on the Nuggets series is very similar to that of Kaye's original compilation.
All three versions appear to be based on the same lost manuscript: historians have been unable to establish a date for the original compilation.
Historians have not been able to agree upon the date for the original compilation of the list.