Chloroform, which easily dissolved the original compound, did not remove the monolayer.
Unfortunately, while this identifies the metals present it removes the original compound, and so hinders efforts to determine what may have been ingested.
One part of the original compound most often remains intact.
The past tense in Ukrainian has the peculiarity of being originally an adjective, since it derives from the original compound perfect.
The original compound was built by King Idris, the previous ruler of Libya.
But Genetics Institute has a competing patent on uses of the original natural compound.
The only surviving building from the original compound is the Royal Presidio Chapel.
In other cases, however, the activity of the original compound may be drastically altered.
The hydrazone derivatives can also be used as evidence toward the identity of the original compound.
Kenji took them back to the oldest part of town, where the visitors had been given rooms in the original compound.