Derived from the Greek word for public speaking, rhetoric's original concern dealt primarily with the spoken word.
This fact of modern family life leads us back to the original concern of state legislatures in establishing visitation statutes.
This report included a table summarizing progress made against the original concerns raised by the community in 2001.
Thus while the original concern was not dealt with, other issues which had been raised earlier were.
By the nineteenth, they were very important and expensive institutions which had moved far from their original concerns with navigation and positional astronomy.
The original concern have therefore come true in that once the legal obstacles to build the extension are overcome, the federal government has run out of funding.
Doing nothing does not address the original concerns about the stock price, and, in fact, could send it lower.
Time, only a few minutes, had degraded his original concerns from possibly legitimate to silly and outlandish.
That had been his original concern.
The more we look at this, the more my original concern turns to outrage.