The director, Mr. McKneely, said: "We're divorcing the songs from their original connotations and developing a fresh take on connecting and interrelating them."
Among urban residents of the English-speaking world, the word appears to carry its original connotations (i.e. the facilitation of traffic as a prime purpose, and "street life" as an incidental benefit).
As the usage spread, the original connotations of the word "420" faded away.
Over time, the term "idiot" shifted away from its original connotation of selfishness and came to refer to individuals with overall bad judgment-individuals who are "stupid".
NewSouth's version was met with criticism, with some saying the censorship failed to adequately convey the original connotations of Twain's text.
By the early 8th century, these titles had lost their original military connotations and become honorific titles.
The expression has lost its original connotation, and it is increasingly difficult to specify what it means now in America.
The original connotation was negative, meaning "swindler" or "cheat", regardless of spelling, with the more positive connotations of "expert" or "skilled player" arising later, and not supplanting the negative ones.
On the way, the borrowed ideas shed some of their original connotations; sometimes they re-emerged as purely musical devices, sometimes they became goofy found objects.
The ambiguity between original connotation and the satisfying, purely esthetic role keeps the image vital.