Just short of the village there is one point where the track is lost and the land has reverted to its original contours.
If the original and present contours are studied it is possible to identify suspect areas, where filling may have occurred.
VW offers an optional molded cover that gives the bumper an integrated look, but it doesn't much conceal the original contours.
There are so many layers of paint on the tree that the original contours of the bark and trunk are obscured.
The land may be dumped back on the ridge and compacted to reflect the approximate original contour of the mountain.
The original facial contour was also badly "skewed".
Moving sluggishly into the heavens above the pass, they preserved their original contours and their separateness.
Bulldozers filled in the exposed trench with gravel, restoring the river's original contours.
"Bring that green back to its original contour," Weiskopf said.
After the log has been removed, the area is then restored to its original contours.