Ironic fact: the original deposit had been two hundred United States dollars.
The original deposit, transferred from a bank, is returned by the society.
The money supply is unchanged and banks still have the original deposit.
That means you may have to sell the CD at a discount and lose some of your original deposit.
The Democrats also agree; they're backing a 50 percent tax deduction on the original deposit (up to $2,000) in an individual retirement account.
When members want out, most destination clubs offer to refund 80 to 100 percent of the original deposit.
The original deposits were from 16 to 35 kilometers thick.
The 2 boxes marked in red show the location of the original $100 deposit throughout the entire process.
'Accrued' because the interest has not yet been actually paid by the original deposit taker.
These depositors are no more likely to spend the replacement funds than they were to spend the original deposit.