Each has received somewhat of a cult following in the years since their original distribution.
There was a solution to this problem if West's original distribution was 4-3-3-3.
He now worked out that West's original distribution was likely to be 0-1-5-7, and he could see daylight.
Unfortunately West discarded a spade on the heart queen, so his original distribution could be diagnosed as 6-2-4-1.
When East proved to have the last club, his original distribution was virtually certain, in light of the bidding, to be 3-6-1-3.
East had shown up with one heart, and South hoped for an original 5-1-2-5 distribution on his right.
The original distribution was changed to the current regional population system in the 20th century.
So it was clear that South's original distribution had to be 2-5-6-0, and that West would not welcome having the lead.
The original distribution of the voting list is therefore preferable.
This can help the other defender count out the entire original distribution of the cards in that suit.