While historical linguistics generally agree that "Tibet" names in European languages are loanwords from Arabic language 'Tibat' or 'Tobatt', they disagree over the original etymology.
The possible confusion results from "ì", despite its original etymology, becoming a Gaelic noun (now obsolete) meaning simply "island".
The original etymology of this name is thought to have its roots in the once-dominant Zoroastrian religion.
This is the original etymology.
With this highly original etymology, jetleg may become Euroenglish for jet lag.
The original etymology of the name, and the letter's value, are however unclear.
- For the original etymology of Idril, Idhril see II.
For the original etymology of Iluvatar ('Sky-father') see 1.255.
For the original etymologies, see List of Texas county name etymologies.
It is very interesting to note, that in Russian the word "morda" means some entity's face or facial-expression which can hint at that original etymology.