It can't even be ceded out of the Bloodline of the original grantee.
This made Clement one of the town's original grantees.
A remainder is a future interest in a third party that vests upon the natural conclusion of the grant to the original grantee.
Over time, some original grantees returned to their land.
If a life estate can be sold, a sale does not change its duration, which is limited by the natural life of the original grantee.
In 1635, John Spencer was original grantee of the land.
The baronetcies are also distinguished by the estates of the original grantee.
These must either be exercised by the original grantee or allowed to expire worthless.
The lake was named for Israel Seymour, one of the original grantees.
Eleven of the original 64 grantees were named Lyman.