She is noteworthy as the original illustrator to the Strawberry Panic!
Every edition contained new illustrations by Mark Geyer, the novel's original illustrator.
Consideration should be given to the retention of the original illustrator's work in the U.S. edition.
The original illustrator of the novel, W.W. Denslow, could have also had an impact on the story and the way it has been interpreted.
Mark Poole was one of the original illustrators for the first set of Magic: The Gathering.
The novel was adapted into a two volume manga by the original illustrator, Kouji Ogata.
He is often recalled as the original illustrator of the first edition of The Phantom of the Opera.
Anthony Browne is one of the most original illustrators working in children's books today, and the youngsters love the strangeness of his pictures.
As the original illustrator for his book, Lewis Carroll's own artistic inabilities, among other problems, held back Wonderland to a degree.
Irene Hawkins was the original illustrator.