Nothing is known about the tomb's original occupant or occupants.
However, the change is not always noticeable; they seem at first to act very much the same as the original occupant.
Most of the original occupants are getting on in years.
For tourism to truly benefit the region, attention must go to both the environment and the area's original occupants.
And a colonel had been the original occupant of Geoff's house, not a first john.
By luck a direct descendant of the original occupants heard about the project.
This ended the major, violent conflicts between the new colonial government and the original occupants of the land.
They'll continue to reside there, rats in the walls, but the original occupants are no longer needed.
"We have found two coffins, each with the original occupant and another victim."
One example is the "Webster" house (named after its original occupants) that was built in the 1870s.