The Coulalakritous wasted no time contracting back to their original proportions, growing opaque once more.
Much of the intricate hedge work will also be restored, as young trees return the gardens to their original proportions.
If you stretch it, it never regains its original proportions.
He expressed the hope that the hall might soon regain its original proportions, following the enlargement of the lodgings a few years previously.
Or the square image in its original proportions can be placed within the large rectangle.
Such a possibility is reinforced by early photographs showing the original proportions and decoration.
Interior space was reconfigured to restore the original proportions.
Once it is cooked, the dried pasta will usually increase in size by double of its original proportion.
The great blue-white ball of writhing energy had grown to its original proportion.
Unless the equipment's response is flat (in the sense described above) the ladder of overtones won't keep its original proportions.