The original seller was not convinced, and I bought the tickets.
The original seller has to pay the difference between the two prices, if the latter is higher than the original contract price.
The endorsee-buyer's message was also tested and accepted if it contained the portion of the original seller's test key.
Therefore, should the original seller not repudiate the contract before the goods have been sold on, the third party would be protected.
Each gun will be traced to its original seller through documents and serial numbers to try to find who is selling guns to juveniles.
Also, he said, it is unlikely that the writer could recover anything from the original seller.
If the transaction is void, no title passes, and the original seller can reclaim the goods.
The most pressing and usual reason is to allow the middleman to use the purchasers funds to acquire the property from the original seller.
The fact that the original seller still owns the property is definitely an encumbrance.
They eventually paid $637,000, which was $8,000 over the seller's original asking price, closing last October.