These games were not a part of the original software; however, were made by third party developers as plug-ins.
The contest winners had limited sales restricted only to Mexico, so the resulting original software is almost impossible to find.
Several groups have created modified versions of the original software or ported other systems to work on the phones.
The newly created corporation made significant improvements to the original software.
When competition in the field increased, h.a.n.d. reorganized to develop original software.
The original software would be run under emulation on future computers.
The original software was implemented by Gary Chevsky from his own design.
The product today retains much of the same principles as the original software created by Hickman in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
However, given the TK82's popularity, a great deal of original software was developed in Brazil as well.
The original software was written for the Linux operating system.