Dilution usually continues well past the point where none of the original substance remains.
This works out to one part of the original substance in 10,000 parts of the solution.
The greatest dilution reasonably likely to contain even one molecule of the original substance is 12C.
Its current state is marked by somewhat less than successful restoration measures which have hidden much of the building's original substance.
Having the base as its predecessor, cotton candy, patchouli and vanilla were added into the original substance.
It is claimed that the water retains a "memory" of the original substance.
One clue to the original substance of the play is a page which survives in manuscript.
"Derived" ingredients are unnatural both according to the original substance and the method of derivation.
In most homeopathic drugs, scientists can use mathematics to show they are unlikely to have any of the original substance.
Only 0.37% are cleared in form of the original substance.