After Forever was originally assembled in 1995 under the name Apocalypse, playing death metal, with harsh male vocals.
The set also has a marvelous compilation of Berkeley numbers from lesser known films originally assembled for laserdisc in the 1980's.
Originally assembled for an attack on Rhodes, it was sent instead to help resist the landings on Crete.
Symphorce was a German progressive power metal band, originally assembled in 1998.
First the delivery vessels are robotically disassembled in a reverse order from that which they were originally assembled.
The group was originally assembled by their professor for an assignment to start a band.
The toys were originally assembled and painted by hand.
Ford had originally assembled the group to record Inside Story, but, signed to a separate record contract, ended up listed as a guest artist.
The collection was originally assembled by anatomist William Hunter.
The four teams originally assembled to hunt for unconventional weapons have been reduced to two: Alpha and Bravo.