In the manga, Anzu originally bore a conventional, short hairstyle.
The seats of these levels originally bore the colors red, orange (colour), yellow, green, and blue, respectively.
Think of the mighty animal who originally bore them.
Code that's injected this way: if you close the window that originally bore this malicious ad, is the code still there?
Ordered in 1981, they originally bore the RBDe 4/4 designation and road numbers 2100-2103.
The family originally bore the name of Brouncker.
Although little of the original surface building remains at Borough, it originally bore a close resemblance to Kennington station.
They therefore originally bore the surname Spencer.
The village originally bore the name Brück.
In 1960, when the present day Bénin attained independence from France, it originally bore the name Dahomey.