The film was originally budgeted at $759,524 but went $32,746 over.
And at $78 million, the cost of the project is very close to what was originally budgeted.
This was originally budgeted at $190,000 but went up to over $200,000.
The movie was originally budgeted at $2.6 million and came in $450,000 under budget.
Originally budgeted at $800, the final film ultimately cost nearly $5,000.
The second, also late, will cost $37 million above the amount originally budgeted, an official said.
Cost estimates for the tunnel, originally budgeted at $9 billion in 1986, have gone up four times.
Originally budgeted at $269 million, it ended up costing $5.5 billion.
The film was originally budgeted at $6 million, but the budget eventually tripled.
The film was originally budgeted for $2m, but overran to $3m.