Originally characterized as a flapper, Minnie has often played Mickey's damsel in distress.
It was originally characterized by small factories and a big railway freightyard closed in 1996.
Hypercomplex cells were originally characterized as the superordinate class of visual processing cells above complex and simple cells.
In 1891, when it was incorporated, the scattered farms that had originally characterized the landscape were transformed into a fledgling city of 1,800.
Grinker's myelinopathy was originally characterized by Roy R. Grinker in 1925 or 1926, depending on the source.
CARD domains were originally characterized based on their involvement in the regulation of caspase activation and apoptosis.
These proteins were originally characterized by their capacity to induce oncogenic transformation in a specific cell culture system, rat kidney fibroblasts.
Isolated in 1986, this species was originally characterized as a Rickettsia.
The syndrome was originally characterized during 1970 by Mainzer, et al., in a paper published in the American Journal of Medicine.
This enzyme was originally characterized from wild tomato.