The Seven Seas Lagoon was originally configured for artificial waves, tall enough to allow surfing.
The RC-26B aircraft were originally configured with a belly pod containing a sensor turret and a data recorder.
Originally configured with chain hoists, the advent of steel cable in the 1870s allowed for easier rigging to the winches.
This bridge's toll plaza was originally configured to collect tolls from both the northbound and southbound travel lanes.
Pan Am's DC-6Bs were originally configured in a 76-seat, all-economy layout.
The ship was originally configured to hold 205 people, each one having one room four meters square.
AMiBA was originally configured as a 7-element interferometer atop a hexapod mount.
Boylston was originally configured for four tracks with two island platforms (see diagram at right), and the original track layout has remained essentially unchanged since then.
The car was originally configured as a combine-baggage-library car, with four sleeping sections, a lounge, a barber shop, and a baggage area.
The bridge was originally configured with 3 lanes and an emergency shoulder on each span.