Everyone was really shocked that it turned out to be in pretty good condition because the whole thing was so well crafted originally.
Tomahawk - used almost exclusively by Native Americans, its blade was originally crafted of stone.
Implementing policy may have unexpected results, stemming from a policy whose reach extends further than the problem it was originally crafted to address.
Musicians originally crafted reeds from cane using simple tools, a process which was time-consuming and painstaking.
Technically, the instrument is a rattle and was originally crafted from a shepherd's staff or a distaff used in the craft of spinning.
This possibility, also originally crafted by Sismondi (1819), endorsed the idea that the circularity of transactions was not always complete and immediate.
Certain tracks West originally crafted for Be that Common passed on subsequently ended up on his second album.
At the time the "computer use" exception was originally crafted, the Senate Judiciary Committee noted that:
The instrument was originally crafted as a viola da gamba and converted into a cello by Stradivari.
Their music was originally crafted by using by two screaming voices that were deformed by a pitch shifter intended for guitar.