In a bizarre ending, Johnston was originally declared the winner by Majority decision.
It looks like they built more than originally declared, but it's all underground, and we can't tell from outside.
The park was originally declared in 1938 with about 1,100 hectares but today it is considered to have somewhere between 143 and 192.
Neither did, and the results stood as originally declared with Jensen taking the gold medal.
Although it was originally declared a no contest the fight and its result doesn't appear on either fighter's official fight records.
Bontempi was originally declared winner of the 7th stage, but a few days later, his doping test came back positive for testosteron.
The area was designated as a national park on 12 August 1997, having been originally declared as a wildlife sanctuary in 1938.
Harold Rushworth was originally declared the winner on election night.
It was originally declared its own genus because of its distinct combination of characteristics.
Judge Bolan had originally declared her unfit but reversed himself last year after psychiatrists determined that she was competent.