The company had originally earmarked £5 billion ($7.1 billion) for the technology.
All the money was originally earmarked for widening and improvement programs on the turnpike.
The Navy has spent at least half of the $4.8 billion originally earmarked to develop the aircraft but has not yet built any planes.
It's an example of how technology originally earmarked for the military winds up as the most basic and everyday consumer product.
The company had originally earmarked 6.78 trillion won for capital spending.
The site originally earmarked for the development fell through.
The $2.5 million originally earmarked for the standalone Frank library was moved to a different project.
Crone had carved the surplus out of funds originally earmarked for their budgets.
But although this money includes the $10 million originally earmarked for redesign, none of it will be spent to remove the signs.
For a start, the funding amounts proposed are very low, some 60% down on the amount originally earmarked.