The aircraft originally flew in the 757 flight test program before entering service with Eastern Air Lines.
Boyau originally flew Nieuports with them.
He originally flew a Nieuport 17, but with no success in battle.
"What happened to the scout who originally flew this ship?"
NW305 is slated to be refurbished in the near future again by the crewmen who originally flew and maintained her during her career as a gunship.
It originally flew with a single vertical tail but was soon modified with twin fins.
Some of the migrants originally flew as far as Florida, Dr. Batt said.
This was the fifth flight for the Spartan payload, it originally flew on the STS-56 mission, in April 1993.
The ancestors of many of the birds that are now natives of New Zealand originally flew there.
IIa, which originally flew in the Battle of Britain in 1940, with 266 and 603 Squadrons.