Originally founded in 1959, the business didn't become official until 1966.
Goodman is most well known for his idea that modern man was originally found in California 500,000 years ago.
Originally founded in 1835, it is now a public limited company.
At the time of his death, Washington no longer had any real control over the gang he originally founded.
It was originally found in 1882, and is an independent 501(c)3.
The School was originally founded in 1978 with the other main objective to provide free education.
Originally founded as a medical college, it became a university in December 2006.
Originally founded as a hospital and medical school, the building now houses a museum.
It was originally founded as a national competition (1991 to 1996).
Originally founded in 2004, with a force of 150 troops, by mid-2005, its numbers were increased to about 7,000.