If she was wrong, the couple lost 10 points, as did the team which originally gave the answer.
I think it may have been what originally gave them the idea.
"A lot of people who originally gave 8 or 10 years ago are no longer giving," he said.
They were originally given road numbers 18505 though 18507, but this was later changed to 64.05 through 64.07.
But I want the life the universe originally gave me.
The title intended for or originally given to the work is not clear.
He was originally given to Riley by her father when she asked for a show horse.
Of the 3,230 people who originally gave, 52 asked for refunds.
This meaning is still occasionally found, especially in names which were originally given long ago.
A new set of questions was originally given each week, but this soon became more regular, eventually becoming daily.