Phillip originally landed at Botany Bay, but found it unsatisfactory.
When powdery, snow moves with the wind from the location where it originally landed, forming deposits called snowdrifts that may have a depth of several meters.
During the morning the forces originally landed on Red 1 made some progress towards Red 2 but at some cost.
She originally landed a role on an MTV pilot with Rachel McAdams, but the project was never picked up by the network.
In case the black box doesn't have complete data, then we'll at least be able to estimate where they originally landed.
He originally landed the job when he told the show's creator Louise Smit a joke.
The first two songs released on Stacy were "Little Loved One", which originally landed the contract, and "Cindy Lou!"
Turi originally landed in Aotea Harbour, but eventually settled along the Pātea River.
NASA space shuttles originally landed at Edwards because the lake beds offer a vast landing area.
Although he originally landed at New York, he then traveled to San Francisco.