While the Mirage 5 had been originally oriented to the clear-weather attack role, with some avionic fits it was refocused to the air-combat mission.
The photograph was originally oriented with the south pole at the top, with the island of Madagascar visible just left of center, and the continent of Africa at its right.
Given its lack of depth into the hinterland, the theme was originally probably oriented mostly towards the sea.
The HEC was originally oriented towards hydro-electricity, due to Tasmania's dramatic topography and relatively high rainfall in the central and western parts of the state.
A gallery that was originally oriented to minority artists, Aljira is setting an example with art that generally transcends minority issues.
Exactly where will depend on how it was originally oriented.
Kampen was originally more oriented toward the Baltic trade and commerce with the hinterland of the Rhine, and therefore in 1441 formally joined the Hanseatic League.
The house was originally oriented toward old Jacksboro Pike, which passed through the area roughly along what is now Pedigo Road.
Intershop was originally oriented towards visitors from Western countries, and later as an outlet where East Germans could purchase goods they could not otherwise obtain.
The Flintstones was originally oriented at adults, as an animated version of The Honeymooners, though it was primarily popular with teenagers.