In addition, the Flyers must give the Nordiques compensation equal to a first-round draft pick, as originally outlined in the deal.
If and when the 4th edition is published, it will restore the Southern Ocean as originally outlined in the 2nd edition and subsequently omitted from the 3rd.
By 1990, they numbered nearly a million, well ahead of the target numbers originally outlined.
It was the logical outcome of the tactics of drawing out opposing defenders originally outlined by Chapman at Northampton.
His process as originally outlined was crude and dangerous, but a more sophisticated development was manageable and successful.
In the Icann structure originally outlined by the Commerce Department in 1998, half the group's board members were supposed to represent the public or individual Internet users.
The process of adopting the programme of legislation which the White Paper had originally outlined is almost complete.
Whatever was behind the Wu-Shing slayings was far more important to him than holding pat in resisting the merger as originally outlined by Tomkin.
These regulations were originally outlined in a proposal earlier in the year.
Pearce and Cronen are constantly building upon the CMM theory which was originally outlined in the 1970s.