He was originally picked by the Phoenix Coyotes (152nd overall), in 2006.
Cal shook his head to clear it and realized he was still sitting in the chair he had originally picked.
It headed toward the deserted crossroads where Roy had originally picked up the pretty blonde.
Raymond Francis was originally picked for the Hurst role but changed his mind at the last minute.
Zavaras was originally picked in the 3rd round of the 1985 amateur draft.
Barkley reminded the reporters that all of them had originally picked the Suns to win the series.
Krasner was buried next to her husband in 1984, the site marked by the smaller boulder she had originally picked for her husband.
Lucy and Emilia were originally picked for the first series but dropped out at the last minute due to their mother falling sick.
Woodbridge, which was originally picked as the best location, has tied the plan up in court for nearly a year.
Instead, each is run by an unpaid board originally picked by the President.