The film originally premiered on around 45-50 screens in Britain, making them less accessible to the general public.
American Morning originally premiered on September 12, 2001.
The programme originally premiered on TV3 in January 2000.
Originally premiered at the National Theatre in 1991, the play went on to become an international theatrical sensation and was made into an award-winning film.
It originally premiered on July 20, 2011.
The music video for the original version of the track originally premiered on 15 September 2012, and was filmed in Chile.
The program originally premiered on April 18, 2010, airing at 8:00PM.
Though the series was successful when it originally premiered, it was cancelled after six episodes.
This is a production originally premiered in 2010 at the English National Opera.
The first season originally premiered in Japan in 2002 and ran until 2004.