Bill Gates, who originally promoted small schools, has since withdrawn his support.
It was originally promoted as a language learning engine.
It was originally promoted under the working title Fast Track.
Although originally promoted as a project for local ejidos, it quickly became controlled by elements of Mexico's elite.
The single was originally promoted as a white label with just a II sticker on it.
"Be With You" was originally promoted as a single to accompany the album, but nothing ever came of a proper release.
It was originally promoted as being the 400th episode, but was broadcast as the 399th.
It was known to have originally promoted and launched success of the French music genre Yé-yé.
(Though the firm began the service in March, it originally promoted fund trading only to a small group of existing clients.)
Originally promoted for general use in bathing and cleaning, it gave rise to derivative products which have diverged from the original composition.