The theory was originally promulgated in the Secret Doctrine, the 1888 magnum opus of Helena Blavatsky.
The Nationality Law of the Republic of China was originally promulgated in February 1929.
The Nuremberg Laws, as originally promulgated in September 1935, used the term "Jew" but did not define the term.
As originally promulgated in 1955, the law made no provision for the owner to buy out of the program (referred to as "dissolving the housing company").
Phase I, which addresses hazardous waste burning incinerators, cement kilns, and lightweight aggregate kilns, was originally promulgated on September 30, 1999 (64 FR 52828).
He defended popular recreational activities through his re-publication of the Book of Sports in 1633, which was originally promulgated by his father, King James I, in 1617.
The ULLCA was originally promulgated in 1995 and amended in 1996 and 2006.
This was originally promulgated by Melvin Conway, an early proto-hacker who wrote an assembler for the Burroughs 220 called SAVE.
The system was originally promulgated as Japanese Cabinet Order No. 3 as of September 21, 1937.
Their political energy flows in part from the well-crafted fiction, originally promulgated under President Reagan, that the wealthy are embattled.