Langdon had originally read the word 'Cross as an abbreviation of Across.
Summers did not originally read music, but did learn to do so in his 70s.
The sign originally read, "34th Floor crossover is closed."
The discs were originally read using an exciter and a detector made with valve technology.
Although he had originally read classics, he won his prize fellowship in law and was called to the bar in 1932.
When the boys who originally read his juveniles grew up, they kept looking for more of the science fiction which Robert had made so popular.
The decision was originally read as a win for Quartey but reversed when a flaw was found in the scoring.
The fourth article of faith originally read, "We believe that these ordinances are: 1st.
Gordon originally read the script on a flight to New York.
The Philosophy of Rhetoric was originally read in discourses before this Society.