As its name indicates, the disease was originally recognized in the Rocky Mountain states.
Originally recognized as an official sport at the university in 1908, baseball was disbanded in 1981 due to concerns with Title IX.
The languages called Arawakan or Maipuran were originally recognized as a separate group in the late nineteenth century.
But, some women earned livelihoods as midwives and in other roles in the community, which were not originally recognized as significant by men.
The class was originally recognized and defined by William Bidelman and Philip Keenan.
Tribes were originally recognized as legal parties through treaties, executive orders, or presidential proclamations.
When considered as a full species, three subspecies of red wolf were originally recognized by Goldman; two of these subspecies are extinct.
Nine of the tribes were originally recognized before 1945 by the Japanese government .
They were originally recognized for their yellow mouthwash, the active ingredient of which is Ceepryn (cetylpyridinium chloride), hence the name.
It was originally recognized as a disease of chickens in the United States in 1926.