It was originally screened in 2005, a decade after the group had originally split up.
It was first broadcast in New Zealand during the 1975 originally screened twice a day at around 10am and then 2:30pm.
The series was originally screened as two half-hour episodes per week.
The series consisted of 105 episodes originally screened between 1964 and 1968.
The series was originally screened as six episodes per week, from Monday to Saturday, with an average running time of one hour.
Graffiti Rock was a hip-hop based television program, originally screened June 29, 1984.
The film was originally screened in front of the building itself.
There were eight 30-minute episodes, originally screened from 6 February 1980.
The show originally screened on Prime for one series before being dropped.
The series was originally screened as a half-hour episode on Thursday, 9 pm every week.