Rarely does a portfolio stay as originally structured.
Our mandate is to look for a well-crafted, well-executed story, structured originally to hold the audience - but finally it comes down to individual taste.
The program, as it was originally structured, allowed the city and state to sell $8 billion in bonds that were exempt from federal taxes.
The deal was originally structured as a merger, but when it ran into potential resistance from Congress, it became an acquisition by Bell Atlantic.
The narrative was originally structured thematically.
That said, homosexual groups have with ample reason been protesting the production of this particular "Midnight Caller" show, at least as it was originally structured.
"What we are doing is restructuring in a way that it probably should have been structured originally."
She is a member of the original core families, the Hortons, around which the soap was originally structured.
From the educational point of view, it was originally structured as a European gymnasium.
She is part of the soaps core family, the Hortons, around which the soap was originally structured.