It located on a peninsula connected to the main continent by a thin isthmus and five ornate, golden bridges.
This road passed beneath the Montgreenan driveway which was carried by a highly ornate bridge at this point.
The siting of the lake meant the driveway had to be moved and ornate bridges were constructed to cross the water.
Would silly people live in such a hearty city in the Balkan Mountains, filled with sturdy stone buildings, ornate bridges and curbside sculptures?
From the palace we joined a canal boat that took us down the Neva past the cruiser Aurora, where the October Revolution effectively started, and under many ornate bridges.
As they passed over the ornate wooden bridge Edeard found himself walking with Kanseen.
Gordon crossed between the buiIdings on the ornate hexagonal tiered bridge.
But you, Skeeter," she changed the subject as they navigated a goldfish pond with its ornate bridge and carefully manicured shrubbery, "you are ready for the Britannia?
The gulls were wheeling and crying above the parapets of the ornate bridge and for one mad moment I thought that they, too, were engaged in an elaborate mockery.
The grounds are divided by the River Cam, which is crossed by several ornate bridges, and a main road which follows the route of a Roman road.