The queen and princess Danae were riding in an ornate carriage drawn by six white horses.
A short distance from the Hotel de Lafayette, she met an ornate carriage driving slowly down the street.
The minister stepped back out of the way as Londo regarded the ornate carriage that had been brought into the circular drive behind the palace.
It appeared as if that choice would prove to be a good one, for the pair watched as a lone wagon, an ornate carriage such as a nobleman might ride, rambled down the road.
Coming down the road at a good walk was one of the ornate four-wheeled carriages of the Sisters of the Night.
Then an ornate carriage drawn by a matched pair of black horses came up the street and stopped in front of the red door.
An ornate carriage with the emblem of the Church prominently embossed on its sides had just emerged from the south gate.
They rode now with a somewhat ornate black carriage that bore Kurik's body.
While basic electric cars cost under $1,000, most early electric vehicles were ornate, massive carriages designed for the upper class.
In ceremonial tunic, the newly elected premier stepped from a less ornate carriage and climbed the lily-festooned stairs to the throne platform.