From the alley-way they emerged into a small square, where a group of sedate i 9th century municipal buildings looked down on an ornate fountain.
They passed a quaint ornate fountain, with a stone fish jetting water from its mouth, and followed the flow to a glassy pond.
One path curved left toward the trilevel swimming pool with its manmade waterfall and ornate fountains.
Beyond the large, ornate fountain were wide doors leading to a darkened garden, guarded by a pair of armed eunuchs.
The hospital was set in extensive grounds and had a large ornate fountain in front of it.
The line weaves through Houdini's garden, which features several trees, shrubs, and an ornate fountain.
Tourists still visit Hialeah even when it is closed, to marvel at its marble staircases and ornate fountains.
That pool was half the size of a soccer field, and its center was dominated by an ornate fountain.
An ornate fountain surrounded by delicately carved figures forms the center of the huge square.
An ornate fountain of salt bubbled in the middle.