Built around the same time as the grand townhouses of the centre, the houses had brightly coloured tiled frontages and dainty wrought-iron balconies, many with ornate mosaic panels too.
Henry Hope Reed's 1959 book, "The Golden City," has a devastating critique, contrasting a photograph of an ornate panel of the 1925 Postum Building, at 250 Park, with the plain glass of Lever House.
All the archways and mihrabs are set within decorated rectangular frames, while the spaces around the mihrabs and archways are enriched with highly ornate rectangular panels, one above the other.
Brightly ornamented colorful frames surround eye-popping ornate panels, elaborately embellished tile roofs, dazzling reds and greens, brilliant blues and gold leaf everywhere.
At the side of the window are curved struts, and over it are ornate panels within the gable, which is topped by a carved finial.
The viewscreen on the far wall lit up with a half-sphere decorated with a moderately ornate panel.
Daeungbojeon employs the dapo style, meaning that the ornate supporting panels between the rafters and the ceiling are constructed on top of the columns as well as between the columns.
The antechamber was marbled and ornate panels decorated the area in front of each door.
At the end of the corridor Venetia stopped in front of a small wooden door delicately carved with ornate gothic panels.
The keys hung on the ornate panel.