Her hands were covered with rings; the ornate settings cut Jana's cheek.
This ornate setting is now an Italian restaurant called The Palms.
A lighter, pink shroud of human blood coated everything in the room, from the ornate settings on the table to the stunned or shrieking hostages.
Boomstick is less varied than Angel, whose ornate settings, tricky puzzles and more complex level design give the game play greater depth.
Inside the simple stone building, in an ornate setting of marble and tile, is the marble sarcophagus of the 12th-century warrior and sultan.
Atmosphere: Richly old-fashioned, this is one of Manhattan's most ornate settings.
Jason looked thoughtfully at the sword and realized for the first time that the bumps on the hilt were faceted stones in ornate settings.
Gluck's operas are a crucial link between the ornate settings of the Baroque composers and the more fully rationalized works of the Classical successors.
He pictured her and the elegant Baron LaKarn together in some ornate setting, sharing a laugh about his pitiful love of poetry.
She possesses a dark-hued voice and tended toward extravagant phrasing, sometimes suited to Handel's ornate settings.