A more ornate tiled wall rose high at the base of the mesa.
"I wasn't quite fast enough," he grunted as Aaron dragged him off the brightly lit Avenue of the Palace and into the deep shadow of an ornate wall.
Though the arch remains, two ornate walls at either side of it have collapsed during the 20th century.
Not long after that, McCaskey heard gunfire behind the ornate white walls.
Management says it can seat 100 people, all in a warren of halls graced with ornate painted walls and heavy, worn wood floors.
While exploring the building with your expert guide, you'll marvel at its ornate walls and the stunning vaulted roof that frames the intriguing artwork within.
The ornate walls and ceiling of the women's arcade have been meticulously repainted.
When they had passed through, she slipped it back in place, and it became merely a portion of the ornate wall.
It had backed up against the patio, completely concealing the ornate wall and steps that led down onto the gravelled walks.
It was a cavernous space with ornate walls and ceiling, but for some reason all the tables and chairs had been removed.