Next comes the "first flag," an ornately dressed Indian carrying a token tribe flag.
Markings on the king's chariots got them past the guard, but before they could approach the wall, three more ornately dressed guards and an officer appeared.
This figure was ornately dressed for a divine marriage, and attended by a servant.
The ornately dressed man's was round, approximately four centimeters in diameter, and hung from a thick rose-gold chain around his neck.
An ornately dressed figure appeared through the open front doors, and stood awaiting our arrival with great dignity.
She was even more ornately dressed than before.
She is ornately dressed, typically wearing a sari and opulent jewelry.
Of those who wore religious garb, the younger and less ornately dressed also seemed to be of the same happy character.
She pointed to a group of ornately dressed men who stood in the middle of the archway.
I'm sure the Doctor felt grand to have two such ornately dressed women kneeling at his feet that way.