Precipitation averages 26 inches (66 cm) per year, notably higher than rainfall totals in coastal and desert areas of San Diego County, due to the orographic effect.
Rainfall can be abundant at times, as mountains very close to the coast create an orographic effect.
It is thought that a cold front scooped up a thunderstorm, and the orographic effect worsened the storm.
The general distribution of rainfall over the Snowy River catchment is controlled by orographic effects.
Their proximity to the ocean and through orographic effect, they receive high rainfall.
The effect is enhanced when the moving air mass is uplifted by the orographic effect of higher elevations on the downwind shores.
Greatly diminished by the time they reach the High Plains, much of the moisture has been sapped by the orographic effect as it is forced over several mountain ranges.
This sustained orographic effect helped the air to rise, cool, and release its moisture in repeating thunderstorms.
Settlements are usually close to hill-country areas which experience much higher rainfall than the lowlands due to the orographic effect.
Shillong receives far less precipitation due to the orographic effect.