Yet, and she remembered it well, the teaching in the orphan asylum, God had made everything.
The Institute was abandoned by 1885, and its buildings were used as an orphan asylum.
Whatever the situation, Hunter wanted those fees to go to an orphan asylum in the colony.
While in Palestine, he gave the first impetus to the foundation of an orphan asylum there.
After he died, she went altogether bad, and so I went into the orphan asylum.
In the orphan asylum and in Sarah's house she had been used to but one bath a week.
I told Min it'd have to be sent to an orphan asylum till we'd see if Jim ever came back to look after it.
During its nearly 30 years, the orphan asylum had admitted 1310 children, and typically had about 200 in residence at a time.
Every day, as she worked by the window she saw motherless children from the orphan asylum nearby, working and playing about.
Representative Newt Gingrich says we should bring back the orphan asylum.