This is that final moment of ultimate perfection and bliss toward which all orthodox Christians finally direct their hope.
While these few men may not have been orthodox Christians, they certainly weren't by any means atheists.
But they were very much more strongly opposed to him than were many orthodox Christians.
The Basilidians believed in a very different Gospel to that of orthodox Christians.
Along with eastern orthodox Christians, Catholic and Jewish students also attended the school.
Let us turn next to see how some of the boldest of these orthodox Christians actually put the "angelic life" into practice.
An early interest in critical theology made him suspect to some more 'orthodox' Christians.
But for them the church's teaching, and the church officials, could never hold the ultimate authority which orthodox Christians accorded them.
These "false believers" (described, of course, from the gnostic viewpoint) represent orthodox Christians.
But orthodox Christians, by the late second century, had begun to establish objective criteria for church membership.